
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Updates & pics

I haven't quite posted since Wednesday and as my friend Karie wrote it's a funk! Working everyday from 8.30 to 5, well, nothing of note happens that is worth of mention and in the evening I end up busy making up for the lost time with my puppy, which usually ends up with us both asleep while him taking his last feed around 9 pm.

My highlight during the week was Monday actually when my cousin passed by after work and we all went for a nice long walk in Ghar Lapsi (no photos taken sorry). It wasn't too hot when we left and by the time we got back to the car the sun was setting. We then got to my house for a nice dinner and chat. The next evening I enjoyed was Friday; while Dave went for a bbq with his pals, me and puppy went to the beach with my mom. Although we got there at 7 pm, the sea warm and the sunhadn't yet set either. Greg loved his swim, and loved playing on the sand with his grandma or as we say in Malta nanna. Saturday was the same story .... i.e we went to the beach, only after the beach, we remained there for a bbq with friends. The weather however yesterday changed a bit and got windy so Greg didn't enjoy his swimming as usual as got cold quickly. We had fun at the bbq especially since we hadn't met with some of our friends for months! A beach bbq is always fun and Greg slept throughout so we could really enjoy a relaxed night. And than today we visited with my parents and also my grandparents before making our way back to our little abode. The original idea ws to go again to the beach this afternoon, however, we all feel tired so prefered to come and relax home. I hope your weekend has been as fullfilling as mine :)

Here are some pics of the week!


KarieK said...

He's getting so big!! See you are out of the "funk"! LOL I can't wait for you to put in your notice. You can hear in your writing how you dislike working and how much you miss Greg during the day. Time will pass soon my friend for you to go back to enjoying time with him.

koreen (aka: winn) said...

What a cute puppy!!! He seems so lively. Hope your week continues as relaxed as your weekend was.

Anonymous said...

So cute! I wouldn't spend my time blogging either if I had that cutey baby at home!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Updates & pics

I haven't quite posted since Wednesday and as my friend Karie wrote it's a funk! Working everyday from 8.30 to 5, well, nothing of note happens that is worth of mention and in the evening I end up busy making up for the lost time with my puppy, which usually ends up with us both asleep while him taking his last feed around 9 pm.

My highlight during the week was Monday actually when my cousin passed by after work and we all went for a nice long walk in Ghar Lapsi (no photos taken sorry). It wasn't too hot when we left and by the time we got back to the car the sun was setting. We then got to my house for a nice dinner and chat. The next evening I enjoyed was Friday; while Dave went for a bbq with his pals, me and puppy went to the beach with my mom. Although we got there at 7 pm, the sea warm and the sunhadn't yet set either. Greg loved his swim, and loved playing on the sand with his grandma or as we say in Malta nanna. Saturday was the same story .... i.e we went to the beach, only after the beach, we remained there for a bbq with friends. The weather however yesterday changed a bit and got windy so Greg didn't enjoy his swimming as usual as got cold quickly. We had fun at the bbq especially since we hadn't met with some of our friends for months! A beach bbq is always fun and Greg slept throughout so we could really enjoy a relaxed night. And than today we visited with my parents and also my grandparents before making our way back to our little abode. The original idea ws to go again to the beach this afternoon, however, we all feel tired so prefered to come and relax home. I hope your weekend has been as fullfilling as mine :)

Here are some pics of the week!


KarieK said...

He's getting so big!! See you are out of the "funk"! LOL I can't wait for you to put in your notice. You can hear in your writing how you dislike working and how much you miss Greg during the day. Time will pass soon my friend for you to go back to enjoying time with him.

koreen (aka: winn) said...

What a cute puppy!!! He seems so lively. Hope your week continues as relaxed as your weekend was.

Anonymous said...

So cute! I wouldn't spend my time blogging either if I had that cutey baby at home!