
Monday, December 31, 2012

It's New Year's Eve.

Another year has incredibly come to a close.

I am terrified of the coming oldest will be four in January and my youngest two.  And they have suddenly grown oh so much that I think -gosh how much more will they grow this new year? and how is it that Maya is nearing kindergarten already?

Yes I feel time slipping out of my hands and many a time I feel like I haven't accomplished anything with my kids.  That I haven't parented them at all - like they just ran wild without direction from me or Dave.  It is terrifying thinking about this.....and yet I know we did do sooooooo many things and taught our kids lots.

So I embrace this new coming year with a focus on sharing, taking turns, waiting and respect.  I am quite excited about it all because its the first time I decided to find a parenting focus for the year.

Hopefully, I will also give you, monthly updates so we can all see together any progress we might be doing.

While I am still at home nursing my flu turned infection, I wish you all a safe and joyous journey into 2013!

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Monday, December 31, 2012

It's New Year's Eve.

Another year has incredibly come to a close.

I am terrified of the coming oldest will be four in January and my youngest two.  And they have suddenly grown oh so much that I think -gosh how much more will they grow this new year? and how is it that Maya is nearing kindergarten already?

Yes I feel time slipping out of my hands and many a time I feel like I haven't accomplished anything with my kids.  That I haven't parented them at all - like they just ran wild without direction from me or Dave.  It is terrifying thinking about this.....and yet I know we did do sooooooo many things and taught our kids lots.

So I embrace this new coming year with a focus on sharing, taking turns, waiting and respect.  I am quite excited about it all because its the first time I decided to find a parenting focus for the year.

Hopefully, I will also give you, monthly updates so we can all see together any progress we might be doing.

While I am still at home nursing my flu turned infection, I wish you all a safe and joyous journey into 2013!

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