
Friday, June 26, 2009

Going back on the track

So yesterday I spent a lot of time thinking (don't worry Dave nothing needs to disturb your peace- hubby is terrified when I think!). I sorted a lot of things in my head and came up with a sort of schedule so that time is spent evenly and not wasted. Today, I started and feel happy really as I commenced my day with meditation & yoga and felt so energised and calm. I also finished reading a great book titled Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith (its on the chakra system---my next post tomorrow). I found it quite helpful and will now go through it again a chakra at a time and see if I can open up my energy system more :) and connect to the world in a better way!
I listed the things that I still wish to accomplish and have a fair idea of how to get about far its not a long wish---maybe also due to the fact that my main wish used to be to travel and travel and even more travel but since Greg's been born that went down on the priority list (apart for the fact that its too expensive to do so with and without a child and not affordable if you live in Malta). So anyway, I feel like I am going back on track slowly I know its only a day and I might not keep up with my expectations but well we will see and this one day or rather morning still made a whole lot of difference to me.
Let me end this post with a link--Grounded in gratitude---its something you should really read and ponder about. Here is an excerpt from it:
On the surface, gratitude appears to arise from a sense that
you're indebted to another person for taking care of you in some way, but
looking deeper, you'll see that the feeling is actually a heightened awareness
of your connection to everything else. Gratitude flows when you break out of the
small, self-centered point of view—with its ferocious expectations and
demands—and appreciate that through the labors and intentions and even the
simple existence of an inconceivably large number of people, weather patterns,
chemical reactions, and the like, you have been given the miracle of your life,
with all the goodness in it today.


Anonymous said...

stopping by from Sits to say hello to you.
much graditude to you.
and Taking 5 minutes for Faith sounds like a really good plan.

Jan Holt said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Your posting was beautiful and a wonderful reminder to me to be grateful in this moment for life as it is. I wish you the best in all of your future goals.



Alicia said...

good for you!! i'm glad you're getting things sorted out!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Going back on the track

So yesterday I spent a lot of time thinking (don't worry Dave nothing needs to disturb your peace- hubby is terrified when I think!). I sorted a lot of things in my head and came up with a sort of schedule so that time is spent evenly and not wasted. Today, I started and feel happy really as I commenced my day with meditation & yoga and felt so energised and calm. I also finished reading a great book titled Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith (its on the chakra system---my next post tomorrow). I found it quite helpful and will now go through it again a chakra at a time and see if I can open up my energy system more :) and connect to the world in a better way!
I listed the things that I still wish to accomplish and have a fair idea of how to get about far its not a long wish---maybe also due to the fact that my main wish used to be to travel and travel and even more travel but since Greg's been born that went down on the priority list (apart for the fact that its too expensive to do so with and without a child and not affordable if you live in Malta). So anyway, I feel like I am going back on track slowly I know its only a day and I might not keep up with my expectations but well we will see and this one day or rather morning still made a whole lot of difference to me.
Let me end this post with a link--Grounded in gratitude---its something you should really read and ponder about. Here is an excerpt from it:
On the surface, gratitude appears to arise from a sense that
you're indebted to another person for taking care of you in some way, but
looking deeper, you'll see that the feeling is actually a heightened awareness
of your connection to everything else. Gratitude flows when you break out of the
small, self-centered point of view—with its ferocious expectations and
demands—and appreciate that through the labors and intentions and even the
simple existence of an inconceivably large number of people, weather patterns,
chemical reactions, and the like, you have been given the miracle of your life,
with all the goodness in it today.


Anonymous said...

stopping by from Sits to say hello to you.
much graditude to you.
and Taking 5 minutes for Faith sounds like a really good plan.

Jan Holt said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Your posting was beautiful and a wonderful reminder to me to be grateful in this moment for life as it is. I wish you the best in all of your future goals.



Alicia said...

good for you!! i'm glad you're getting things sorted out!