
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Church going & more graces 85-100

We haven't been to Mass for 2 years now- with the exception of a few times here and there.

Like most kids Gregory is noisy and won't sit still.  Besides our local Church community didn't inspire child friendliness/understanding (including unfortunately our parish priest though he does try!).  I'd say due to laziness from our part we never tried to find a better place and so we come to present day.

Last week while at his grandparents, they took him to service and told me stasyed fairly good.  So Easter Sunday decided to go all as a family.  He wasn't too bad and so decided to start taking both kids to Mass a couple times a week when attendance is low and once monthly for the Sunday mass which is longer. 

Its training for both of us......Gregory to understand this is an important place and must behave and me to stay relaxed and not fret.  Today it was our first try and again it was fairly good.  Thankfully I did have grandparent support to help when it got a bit rough.  However it helps that he is actually willing to go himself.

Grace no.85 Gregory wanting to go to mass and being fairly behaved throughout.
86. elimination communication (potty training for babies) and having results
87.  our boy willing to try the potty every now and then
88. beautiful gifts from thoughtful friends
89. feeling confident enough to model lingerie & swimwear
90. Gregory deciding to move to his own room and bed without us ever suggesting it
91. Actually enjoying a meal at the restaurant
92. 5 years of marriage to a wonderful man
93. a smiling baby
94. finally starting the process of building a local mum community
95. lots of kisses from Gregory
96.  enjoying our brand new Summer menu
97. finding someone with whom to talk on any NP difficulties locally
98. the feeling of fulfillment right now
99. support
100. sharing a glass of wine

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Church going & more graces 85-100

We haven't been to Mass for 2 years now- with the exception of a few times here and there.

Like most kids Gregory is noisy and won't sit still.  Besides our local Church community didn't inspire child friendliness/understanding (including unfortunately our parish priest though he does try!).  I'd say due to laziness from our part we never tried to find a better place and so we come to present day.

Last week while at his grandparents, they took him to service and told me stasyed fairly good.  So Easter Sunday decided to go all as a family.  He wasn't too bad and so decided to start taking both kids to Mass a couple times a week when attendance is low and once monthly for the Sunday mass which is longer. 

Its training for both of us......Gregory to understand this is an important place and must behave and me to stay relaxed and not fret.  Today it was our first try and again it was fairly good.  Thankfully I did have grandparent support to help when it got a bit rough.  However it helps that he is actually willing to go himself.

Grace no.85 Gregory wanting to go to mass and being fairly behaved throughout.
86. elimination communication (potty training for babies) and having results
87.  our boy willing to try the potty every now and then
88. beautiful gifts from thoughtful friends
89. feeling confident enough to model lingerie & swimwear
90. Gregory deciding to move to his own room and bed without us ever suggesting it
91. Actually enjoying a meal at the restaurant
92. 5 years of marriage to a wonderful man
93. a smiling baby
94. finally starting the process of building a local mum community
95. lots of kisses from Gregory
96.  enjoying our brand new Summer menu
97. finding someone with whom to talk on any NP difficulties locally
98. the feeling of fulfillment right now
99. support
100. sharing a glass of wine

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