
Saturday, November 28, 2009


We worry and loose sleep on things we can not change. We worry cos we feel it will bring us and our families down. However, no amount of worry is going to change things and so we should let life take its course and see where it will take us. At the end of the day, if we are alive, loved, have clothes on, to eat and a shelter we are quite comfy no?

And yet we let it fill our mind, tense our body, rob us the joy of life! I worry and at the same time think what's the point of worrying? I still don't know for sure and I still try ignore any inklings....I don't always manage but I try! Cos what is life worth if we spend more than half that time worrying, thinking about the next bill, loan payment etc? It is mainly I figure in the mind, because we don't want people to think that we are good for nothing, we don't want to let go of our pride and yet, if that is what is keeping us from enjoying every day I wonder about that wisdom.....


Mademoiselle Deva said...

First I'm sorry I haven't read your last posts! It was quite hectic lately!

Actually I was fighting with that lately too! I felt worried and insecure, I felt like Gee something must happen soon but from the inside instead of excitement I felt anxiety! So I browsed loads of sites about self empowerment and self improvement and on one of those I've found a link to Secret movie and I have to tell you that since Monday when I have watched it for the first time my attitude and approach towards millions of things has changed rapidly! I can't even believe that! Even though I'm very optimistic person sometimes I need to remind myself about some things and find another way to stay optimistic:) if you know what I mean...

Have a wonderful weekend!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I always say that we shouldn't worry too much about stuff, then I end up worrying anyway. I'm getting better at talking myself out of that feeling that at the end of the day fixes nothing, but we all have to have a little something to keep us on our toes. I wonder if worrying a little about things I can do nothing about is my "little something".

Marie said...

You are right worry is completely non-productive but like a lot of non-productive things it is very hard to let go of.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


We worry and loose sleep on things we can not change. We worry cos we feel it will bring us and our families down. However, no amount of worry is going to change things and so we should let life take its course and see where it will take us. At the end of the day, if we are alive, loved, have clothes on, to eat and a shelter we are quite comfy no?

And yet we let it fill our mind, tense our body, rob us the joy of life! I worry and at the same time think what's the point of worrying? I still don't know for sure and I still try ignore any inklings....I don't always manage but I try! Cos what is life worth if we spend more than half that time worrying, thinking about the next bill, loan payment etc? It is mainly I figure in the mind, because we don't want people to think that we are good for nothing, we don't want to let go of our pride and yet, if that is what is keeping us from enjoying every day I wonder about that wisdom.....


Mademoiselle Deva said...

First I'm sorry I haven't read your last posts! It was quite hectic lately!

Actually I was fighting with that lately too! I felt worried and insecure, I felt like Gee something must happen soon but from the inside instead of excitement I felt anxiety! So I browsed loads of sites about self empowerment and self improvement and on one of those I've found a link to Secret movie and I have to tell you that since Monday when I have watched it for the first time my attitude and approach towards millions of things has changed rapidly! I can't even believe that! Even though I'm very optimistic person sometimes I need to remind myself about some things and find another way to stay optimistic:) if you know what I mean...

Have a wonderful weekend!

Magaly Guerrero said...

I always say that we shouldn't worry too much about stuff, then I end up worrying anyway. I'm getting better at talking myself out of that feeling that at the end of the day fixes nothing, but we all have to have a little something to keep us on our toes. I wonder if worrying a little about things I can do nothing about is my "little something".

Marie said...

You are right worry is completely non-productive but like a lot of non-productive things it is very hard to let go of.