Now back to our original topic, Lavender has always been valued for its healing properties and is one of the safest oils to use. So much so that you can use lavender oil undiluted which is an exception to the norm.
Lavender, on its own has a calming effect on body and mind. It is also effective to treat minor scalds or burn, headaches, inflkammation, bacterial infection and more. It is said to help in soothing temper tantrums in children
Lavender is also known by its latin name Lavendula angustifolia.
Lavender Sachets
you will need some organza sachets (or do you own), dried lavender and lavender oil.
Fill sachets will lavender but not too much (it should be able to shake around), drop a bit essential oil on the flowers for extra aroma and put in your cupboards, wardrobes or linen drawers.
Minor scalds
first cool effected area under water then apply neat lavender and cover with a gauze. Chande dressing regularly and when the area is less painful expose to sunlight.
Lavender bowl to fight insomnia
(this one I never tried so no idea if effective but the other two work beautifully.)
you need steaming hot water, 2 drops lavender & 2 drops eucalyptus- mix everything together and leave by your bed to inhale the aromas all night long.
Next week, we will discuss Camomile.
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