The photo above is Maya last Summer.
Maya is completely into babies :) so that sometimes she is pregnant, giving birth or just caring for her little ones. It is her most favourite game putting all the dolls and soft toys in 'beds' to put them to sleep. Or doing pretend food and feeding them.
She still LOVES books and stories read and told. She also enjoys with pure joy going on the swings - even standing. She adores playing with other girls and sharing her toys. She has also rediscovered her joy for swimming!
Maya also talks a lot - always has - but when you take the time to listen to her she says some lovely sweet things.
just born and having her first feed
For all her girlishness, she tends to be afraid of touching pets but becomes courageous if her brother is there doing the same. When she gets hurt she goes into complete panic mode and will not let anyone touch her hurt part or move it for that matter. At 3.5 years she still tantrums quite a lot and I still am not able to find a way to calm her down since she still refuses any contact or any gentle talking when in that mood.
But she still laughs a lot. Shares - gets joy in sharing. Helps. Hugs. Loves with all her might.
My sweet angel.