
Thursday, August 26, 2010

words don't come easy ...or not?

Sometimes a few weeks or months pass and suddenly you see such a drastic change in your child. Although Gregory has been saying single words for quite sometime, these past few days we have seen a big expansion of his vocab as well as adding 2 word phrases here and there. To add to the list I have already done earlier on which you can view here, these are the new words he's been saying!

We have upgraded from da to daddy and bah to bahar(sea) and babu to buxu(snail) and mama to mummy.
clack clack (chicken)
tactor (tractor)
dawl (lights)
ilma (water)
nam nam (food )
pata (potato)
barney(does it count as a word?)
cown (clown)
jaqq as in disgusting

and more whcih right now I can't possibly remember!His 2 word phrases are mainly jaqq coco/pipi, bah plane/dog etc, bye bahar/daddy etc

And with this expansion we have also seen a lot more interaction with us. He is telling us much more often whenever he is hungry or thirsty. Telling us when he does his toilet (after though not before :( and only when he is without the diaper). He is explainging to us more what are his needs like wants to leave a place points towards a door and says car and if I say am not understanding he grabs my hand so I follow and tells me precisely what he wants near the thing and such! He is also becoming very much the 2 year old he will soon be and doesn't take no easily as an answer(I predict we'll be in for a ball soon!).

I can't wait till January when I predict his phrases and words to become constant chatter in my ears :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the snake of anger

Its bubbling at the surface and shows its ugly face in a viscous way.
Its force is more than I can control.
Feel tired oh so tired!

Friday, August 20, 2010

20 weeks already

Somehow, I am suddenly 20 weeks pregnant and it feels good to start the countdown. As much as I am calmer within this time round and haven't got much growth issues, I simply can't wait to have my body back and buy some nice clothes.

I have also been feeling the baby has been for a long while really but they were so faint that sometimes I think I probably dreamed them. However today, well today I really felt it move!!

I also had my first hospital appointment or maybe I should rephrase that to date (7.30 t0 12.00!) - normally the hospital appt. I stay an hour to two max but this time oh boy and we had Gregory with us as we planned an outing after the hospital (which of course got cancelled!). My sweet boy was quite quiet in general and although he did ask for car (that is we leave) several times lol he was ok till the last few minutes while I was taking some blood samples and he got super tired and wanted mummy. This baby likes to move a lot more than Greg since he wouldn't even let the dr hear the heartbeat with all the movement. No special news really apart the fact that although I should (well according to the drs) be 20 weeks, the baby is the size of 18 weeks. My weight gain is exactly like my previous pregnany but my stomach is showing this time round quite well whereas last time I was 30 weeks gone the size I am showing.

My SPD is quite ok since I am doing regular yoga at home and my dear hubs cleans the house for me. I will update you again in a month when I have my next ultrasound (unless anything exciting happens before!) and I promise I will post a pic of me to!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

pray around the clock

Recently I visited a fellow blogger and she had this very inspiring post! She basically has got a granfather clock in their house which chimes every 15 minutes and she decided to give a small prayer to God whenever it chimes. She says she finds it quite frustrating that quite a lot of time when this clock chimes she is either angry with the kids, husband etc and yet it gives her a motivation to try more at being a better person.

Since I have re established my faith, I often wondered how I can remind myself of God throughout the day and give thanks to whatever he sends me. This post had the perfect solution. Although I don't own a grandfather clock, I do own a mobile with an alarm and today, I have set it up to ring every 15 minutes. I have also found the perfect prayer for me Thank you God, forgive me God!

It will be interesting to see how many times it will ring finding me in a mad, bad or annoyed mood. Any other ways you find that helps remind you of God?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Another first

It's 6 am here, been awake an hour as Gregory woke up early despite the fact he slept at 9 pm. So while he 's watching Barney thought of updating you with our new first....

The pics ain't the best but am sure you can see the face full of bumps! Going down some Church stairs his shoe caught at the last step and that was the result. I hope it all fades quickly I really don't like seeing his face like he's been into a fight :(

Hope your weekend started on a better foot!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

the picky eater

When we started weaning our little puppy, we were quite overjoyed. He'd try and practically eat anything you put in front of him- and the best part was that I didn't puree but gave him food like ours straight away.

Come the end of that Summer and our boy went a couple of steps back. Started refusing a lot of food and mostly he'd suddenly want it pureed. It bugged me! Although I knew he was healthy and fine - the energy he had was proof enough- like any other parent, seeing your child not eating or eating little and being very picky is disturbing!

Fast forward to now. Gregory is eating again and eating galore. I have no idea when this happened but suddenly I realised that this guy is eating and trying again everything(except fruit- looks like he'sa t war with them). Sometimes what I present him doesn't tickle his taste buds and so have to resort to one of his all time favourites but most of the time he takes what's in the plate. The most funny thing is that he'd want the food to look like ours - that is if my meat isn't cut up he doesn't want his cut up and he won't eat it if you do it anyway!

I wonder how this change slipped me and I didn't see it coming. Still, it is exhilarating seeing him eat with gusto and appreciation.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A day in our lives - Summer 2010

5.30 - Greg woke up so obviously I woke up to even though I wished another half hour in bed! He went to play in his room while I started getting stuff together (we were going to the beach with grandma & cousins).
6.00 - down for breakfast; yoghurt for Greg toast for me. I gave him that while watching postman pat on DVD. Than I continued with the preparations while calling Dave down to his breakfast. Soon after got an sms from my mum saying little Rebecca had fever so no beach :( BUT since we were all ready & geared up I decided we should still go just me and my boy. So went to put a load going in the washing machine and at 7.30 left the house.
7.45- Got to Ghar Lapsi practically still deviod of any humans apart for a group of pensioners and fishermen. We went into the sea and Greg stayed watching out for crabs and snails and throwing stones and playing ring a ring a roses and playing ball. After an hour in the water we went for a snack and made our way to the other side of the beach were the fishermen come in. So we watched them bringing in the catch of the day and saw lots of fish swimming and many crabs. We again made our way back to where we left our stuff had a bit more snacks and headed one last time into the water.
9.45 - Made our way home and Greg slept on the way. On arriving I did my yoga routine, Bible reading, hanging of clothes, lunch and checked the emails. Just as I went upstairs to take a shower Greg got up hungry so gave him lunch, took a shower both of us, dressed and went off to see grandma Carmen.
12.45 - While I conversed with mum, Greg played with the toys she got at her home alone. Than we transfered to the small yard and he continued playing there. Round about 2 I took a sandwich and Greg decided he wanted one himself too! We then went to the garage to sort out some stuff there and later carried on to my own grandma's home in the country.
Greg loves it there he played ball, ran after cats, watched bumble bees & butterflies and had long conversations with the plants LOL. Than he got hungry so gave him dinner there and after we went out again to play. We adults talked about this and that and when the need arose entertained Greg (but it wasn't often he had lots to keep him occupied there!)
18.00 - Back at my mother's place we found my dad had done dinner and it was nearly cooked. While it finished we peeled a bucketful of prickly pears which dad picked up and he played with Greg- chasing cats, dogs, looking at chicken and what not! We than sat to dinner and Greg decided he wanted some more food. After dinner we left and made our way home to Dave whom we left to enjoy a few hours of peace.
20.00 - Finally Greg felt ready to nurse himself to sleep so we all settled comfortably in bed and soon after we were all happily dreaming!

A wonderful day to remember :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

words don't come easy ...or not?

Sometimes a few weeks or months pass and suddenly you see such a drastic change in your child. Although Gregory has been saying single words for quite sometime, these past few days we have seen a big expansion of his vocab as well as adding 2 word phrases here and there. To add to the list I have already done earlier on which you can view here, these are the new words he's been saying!

We have upgraded from da to daddy and bah to bahar(sea) and babu to buxu(snail) and mama to mummy.
clack clack (chicken)
tactor (tractor)
dawl (lights)
ilma (water)
nam nam (food )
pata (potato)
barney(does it count as a word?)
cown (clown)
jaqq as in disgusting

and more whcih right now I can't possibly remember!His 2 word phrases are mainly jaqq coco/pipi, bah plane/dog etc, bye bahar/daddy etc

And with this expansion we have also seen a lot more interaction with us. He is telling us much more often whenever he is hungry or thirsty. Telling us when he does his toilet (after though not before :( and only when he is without the diaper). He is explainging to us more what are his needs like wants to leave a place points towards a door and says car and if I say am not understanding he grabs my hand so I follow and tells me precisely what he wants near the thing and such! He is also becoming very much the 2 year old he will soon be and doesn't take no easily as an answer(I predict we'll be in for a ball soon!).

I can't wait till January when I predict his phrases and words to become constant chatter in my ears :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the snake of anger

Its bubbling at the surface and shows its ugly face in a viscous way.
Its force is more than I can control.
Feel tired oh so tired!

Friday, August 20, 2010

20 weeks already

Somehow, I am suddenly 20 weeks pregnant and it feels good to start the countdown. As much as I am calmer within this time round and haven't got much growth issues, I simply can't wait to have my body back and buy some nice clothes.

I have also been feeling the baby has been for a long while really but they were so faint that sometimes I think I probably dreamed them. However today, well today I really felt it move!!

I also had my first hospital appointment or maybe I should rephrase that to date (7.30 t0 12.00!) - normally the hospital appt. I stay an hour to two max but this time oh boy and we had Gregory with us as we planned an outing after the hospital (which of course got cancelled!). My sweet boy was quite quiet in general and although he did ask for car (that is we leave) several times lol he was ok till the last few minutes while I was taking some blood samples and he got super tired and wanted mummy. This baby likes to move a lot more than Greg since he wouldn't even let the dr hear the heartbeat with all the movement. No special news really apart the fact that although I should (well according to the drs) be 20 weeks, the baby is the size of 18 weeks. My weight gain is exactly like my previous pregnany but my stomach is showing this time round quite well whereas last time I was 30 weeks gone the size I am showing.

My SPD is quite ok since I am doing regular yoga at home and my dear hubs cleans the house for me. I will update you again in a month when I have my next ultrasound (unless anything exciting happens before!) and I promise I will post a pic of me to!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

pray around the clock

Recently I visited a fellow blogger and she had this very inspiring post! She basically has got a granfather clock in their house which chimes every 15 minutes and she decided to give a small prayer to God whenever it chimes. She says she finds it quite frustrating that quite a lot of time when this clock chimes she is either angry with the kids, husband etc and yet it gives her a motivation to try more at being a better person.

Since I have re established my faith, I often wondered how I can remind myself of God throughout the day and give thanks to whatever he sends me. This post had the perfect solution. Although I don't own a grandfather clock, I do own a mobile with an alarm and today, I have set it up to ring every 15 minutes. I have also found the perfect prayer for me Thank you God, forgive me God!

It will be interesting to see how many times it will ring finding me in a mad, bad or annoyed mood. Any other ways you find that helps remind you of God?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Another first

It's 6 am here, been awake an hour as Gregory woke up early despite the fact he slept at 9 pm. So while he 's watching Barney thought of updating you with our new first....

The pics ain't the best but am sure you can see the face full of bumps! Going down some Church stairs his shoe caught at the last step and that was the result. I hope it all fades quickly I really don't like seeing his face like he's been into a fight :(

Hope your weekend started on a better foot!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

the picky eater

When we started weaning our little puppy, we were quite overjoyed. He'd try and practically eat anything you put in front of him- and the best part was that I didn't puree but gave him food like ours straight away.

Come the end of that Summer and our boy went a couple of steps back. Started refusing a lot of food and mostly he'd suddenly want it pureed. It bugged me! Although I knew he was healthy and fine - the energy he had was proof enough- like any other parent, seeing your child not eating or eating little and being very picky is disturbing!

Fast forward to now. Gregory is eating again and eating galore. I have no idea when this happened but suddenly I realised that this guy is eating and trying again everything(except fruit- looks like he'sa t war with them). Sometimes what I present him doesn't tickle his taste buds and so have to resort to one of his all time favourites but most of the time he takes what's in the plate. The most funny thing is that he'd want the food to look like ours - that is if my meat isn't cut up he doesn't want his cut up and he won't eat it if you do it anyway!

I wonder how this change slipped me and I didn't see it coming. Still, it is exhilarating seeing him eat with gusto and appreciation.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A day in our lives - Summer 2010

5.30 - Greg woke up so obviously I woke up to even though I wished another half hour in bed! He went to play in his room while I started getting stuff together (we were going to the beach with grandma & cousins).
6.00 - down for breakfast; yoghurt for Greg toast for me. I gave him that while watching postman pat on DVD. Than I continued with the preparations while calling Dave down to his breakfast. Soon after got an sms from my mum saying little Rebecca had fever so no beach :( BUT since we were all ready & geared up I decided we should still go just me and my boy. So went to put a load going in the washing machine and at 7.30 left the house.
7.45- Got to Ghar Lapsi practically still deviod of any humans apart for a group of pensioners and fishermen. We went into the sea and Greg stayed watching out for crabs and snails and throwing stones and playing ring a ring a roses and playing ball. After an hour in the water we went for a snack and made our way to the other side of the beach were the fishermen come in. So we watched them bringing in the catch of the day and saw lots of fish swimming and many crabs. We again made our way back to where we left our stuff had a bit more snacks and headed one last time into the water.
9.45 - Made our way home and Greg slept on the way. On arriving I did my yoga routine, Bible reading, hanging of clothes, lunch and checked the emails. Just as I went upstairs to take a shower Greg got up hungry so gave him lunch, took a shower both of us, dressed and went off to see grandma Carmen.
12.45 - While I conversed with mum, Greg played with the toys she got at her home alone. Than we transfered to the small yard and he continued playing there. Round about 2 I took a sandwich and Greg decided he wanted one himself too! We then went to the garage to sort out some stuff there and later carried on to my own grandma's home in the country.
Greg loves it there he played ball, ran after cats, watched bumble bees & butterflies and had long conversations with the plants LOL. Than he got hungry so gave him dinner there and after we went out again to play. We adults talked about this and that and when the need arose entertained Greg (but it wasn't often he had lots to keep him occupied there!)
18.00 - Back at my mother's place we found my dad had done dinner and it was nearly cooked. While it finished we peeled a bucketful of prickly pears which dad picked up and he played with Greg- chasing cats, dogs, looking at chicken and what not! We than sat to dinner and Greg decided he wanted some more food. After dinner we left and made our way home to Dave whom we left to enjoy a few hours of peace.
20.00 - Finally Greg felt ready to nurse himself to sleep so we all settled comfortably in bed and soon after we were all happily dreaming!

A wonderful day to remember :)