The idea of the Live Green series is to bring more awareness on why we should live environmental friendly as much as possible. All the little things that we do help the world and no small amount is too little if each indivudual gives his share.
Please feel free to join in by entering your blog on the mclinky below!
Last Saturday was Earth Hour, the amount of people, businesses etc taking part in this initiative has been growing ever since its first appearance in Sydney Australia back in 2007. Earth Hour shows our stand to climate change and that we are waiting on our respective governments to finally do something concrete about it by turning off all unneccsary lights for 1 hour every 27th March @ 2030 hrs local time.
Generating electricty is the number one source of CO2 emmissions. We are now releasing this CO2 at an ever-increasing rate (around 28 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere just last year) and the layer of greenhouse gas gets thicker. This in turn makes the Earth warmer and it means that the conditions under which humanity has thrived are rapidly changing.
Burning coal produces far more CO2 than oil or natural gas. Reducing reliance upon coal combustion has to be the cornerstone of any credible global climate change prevention plan. If forests are used for fuel generation and not replaced, global climate change will be accelerated.
There are a multitude of technologies already available which can help us achieve this. However, technologies form just one part of the jigsaw. We need a revolution in the supply of energy to achieve this. We need to make a drastic switch from the current reliance on fossil fuel energy to a super-efficient system with new low- and zero-carbon technologies .
Us as consumers can do a lot to reduce the offset of the carbon footprint. Here are some food for thought which you can use:
- Buy energy efficient appliances
- Replace all bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) or even cutting-edge light emitting diodes (LEDs).
- Turn off any unused lights (don't let Tv's, computers etc on stand by they use a lot of electricty)
- If possible install alternative energy solutions like solar panels to your house
- Save water as saving water, saves electricity!
Now its your turn--- will you help to save electricity which not only saves our planet but at the end of the day saves you money as well!