
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Electric Shock

The idea of the Live Green series is to bring more awareness on why we should live environmental friendly as much as possible. All the little things that we do help the world and no small amount is too little if each indivudual gives his share.

Please feel free to join in by entering your blog on the mclinky below!

Last Saturday was Earth Hour, the amount of people, businesses etc taking part in this initiative has been growing ever since its first appearance in Sydney Australia back in 2007. Earth Hour shows our stand to climate change and that we are waiting on our respective governments to finally do something concrete about it by turning off all unneccsary lights for 1 hour every 27th March @ 2030 hrs local time.

Generating electricty is the number one source of CO2 emmissions. We are now releasing this CO2 at an ever-increasing rate (around 28 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere just last year) and the layer of greenhouse gas gets thicker. This in turn makes the Earth warmer and it means that the conditions under which humanity has thrived are rapidly changing.

Burning coal produces far more CO2 than oil or natural gas. Reducing reliance upon coal combustion has to be the cornerstone of any credible global climate change prevention plan. If forests are used for fuel generation and not replaced, global climate change will be accelerated.

There are a multitude of technologies already available which can help us achieve this. However, technologies form just one part of the jigsaw. We need a revolution in the supply of energy to achieve this. We need to make a drastic switch from the current reliance on fossil fuel energy to a super-efficient system with new low- and zero-carbon technologies .

Us as consumers can do a lot to reduce the offset of the carbon footprint. Here are some food for thought which you can use:

  1. Buy energy efficient appliances
  2. Replace all bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) or even cutting-edge light emitting diodes (LEDs).
  3. Turn off any unused lights (don't let Tv's, computers etc on stand by they use a lot of electricty)
  4. If possible install alternative energy solutions like solar panels to your house
  5. Save water as saving water, saves electricity!

Now its your turn--- will you help to save electricity which not only saves our planet but at the end of the day saves you money as well!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Saturday, March 27, 2010

random thoughts saturrday

There are so many posts I wanted to do and not quite enough time! Sometimes even though i keep notes what i had in my thoughts vanish and I can't convey the feeling I originally felt..... so no posts for now just a few random thoughts...

Greg got his 3 tooth out within a week from his first - he now got 2 upper teeth and one lower tooth.
Trying to read way to many books at the same time got 4 books going right now and when I start reading I normaly fall down to sleep within minutes!
Finished my spring cleaning and doing lots of I did Lemon & blueberries cake, figolli & jam crostata
I need to start my yoga class....although I do yoga at home, being in a class with no distractions is completely different!
Seriously thinking of opening an e shop, but am finding it a hassle trying to find what needs to be done to get there!
....and to finish the weather is nice and sunny so we will be going out for a walk and pic nic this weekend!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beautiful with sunshine

I have been awarded again...and once more I thank you it is more than I was expecting! However Magaly of Pagan Culture has her own mind and did a combo of these 2 awards. The rules are as follows:

Write 1 lucky fact about yourself and 3 things you do when you need to brighten up your days and pass on to 13 readers.

1 lucky fact about me: I could stop working to care for my son
3 things to brighten my day: dance latin music, sing Italian songs or read
Now the nominees - I too have my own mind so am only choosing 3...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ready to pay 500% more for water?

Today, I am starting the Live Green Series. The idea is to bring more awareness on why we should live environmental friendly as much as possible. All the little things that we do help the world and no small amount is too little if each indivudual gives his share.

The hereunder article in occassion of World Water Day which happens to be today, was taken from Vida Magazine as it showed wonderfully the problem we are facing with regards to water here in Malta. However, the shortage of water is present all over the world and its important for everyone to understand how critical the problem can be.

Please feel free to join in by entering your blog on the mclinky below!
We use thousands of litres of water everyday without realising that Malta has the lowest volume of water from natural resources in the world. With little rainfall, a history of irresponsible water consumption and a densely populated territory, no other country in the world has so many people with so little water. Even countries with much drier climates have more water resources than Malta.

When we drive through the countryside in summer and see farmers' fields flourishing with all kinds of crops we may be fooled into thinking that the water shortage problem is being overrated. You might ask - how can we have no water if our streets are flooded whenever it rains?

Hydrologist Marco Cremona explains that these misconceptions are hiding a very big problem- in less than 15 years time Malta's underground natural water sources will be completely depleted. When this happens, all tap water we use in our homes and businesses will have to be supplied from revese osmosis (RO)plants, which require huge electricity consumption. Consequently, the cost of producing water will be more expensive, possibly pushing up water tariffs four or five times higher than they are now.

The Water Services Corporation which provides tap water in our homes, gets over half of its supplies from RO plants (57%) and another 12 billion litres of water a year from the aquifiers (water table).

An additional 20 billion litres are annually pumped from aquifiers by the private sector, including water suppliers, farmers, the construction, manufacturing and hotel industries, water bottling companies and other businesses. These pay nothing to extract water from the aquifiers through boreholes, leading to rampant abuse. While the country's aquifiers can only support an annual extraction of up to 23 billion litres of water, currently over 33 billion litres are being pumped every year.

As more water is pumped from the aquifier by the private sector, the quantities that the Corporation can extract will have to be reduced, and replenished by the more expensive RO plants. This happens because when too much water is extracted from an aquifier, its salinity levels increase, rendering it unfit for drinking. If over- extraction continues, eventually all the aquifiers will be ruined.

When Malta's underground sources are unuasable (in 15 years time if the current trend continues) the country will be solely dependent on RO water. This is a big risk- what happens if all the country's RO plants suddenly stop functioning due to a power cut, natural disaster or if the sea is contanimated with an oil spill? In this scenario, Malta will run our of water in two days.

How can we help conserve water?

  1. Collect rainwater from your roof in a well or tank to use for gardening, cleaning floors, cars and flushing toilets.
  2. Buy water saving gadgets for your home
  3. Reduce toilet flushing wastage by using water displacement device (a plastic container filled with water and put in the flushing)
  4. Do not leave the tap running while brushing your teeth or having a shower
  5. Fix leaks- dripping taps waste almost 500 litres of water a month
  6. Choose water saving appliances and preferably use washing machines or dishwashers when they have a full load only.

MckLinky Blog Hop

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It finally arrived!

Gregory's first tooth finally made an appearance and you can't know the joy I felt....I had nearly given up on these teeth to start showing and just now while giving him some yogurt I felt a tingling and when I checked sure enough there was one sweet tooth.

Although generally they say its the bottom ones that come out first Greg's is the top middle on that came out :)

YAY - what a sigh of relief!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

wordless wednesday

my growing man

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Prophet

I've just finished reading The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran . It's a wonderful book to read and a great way to see how we live our lives or should live them!

Here are some extracts from the book which I loved most:

Love gives naught but itself and it takes naught but from itself. Love possess not nor would it be possessed for love is sufficient unto love.

In marriage love one another but make not a bond of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Your children are not your children. They come through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

Would that you could live on the fragnance of the earth and like an air plant be sustained by the light. But since you must kill to eat and rob the newly born of its mother's milk to qunch your thirst let it be an act of worship.

Work is love made visible.

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.

Your clothes conceal much of your beauty yet they hide not the unbeautiful.

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.

You delight in laying down laws. Yet you delight more in breaking them.

You shall be free indeed when your days are not without a care nor your nights without a want and a grief

The soul unfolds itself like a lotus of countless petals.

Your friend is your needs answered.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

friends are special so important they make the world go round..

It's going to be hard saying good bye in a weeks' time. Something I'd be happy to skip. You have made this past year better for us for many reasons which I am sure you know. We discovered that in the end we are actual friends and not just cousins living far away from each other sending emails now and then. We know that given the opportunity we'd be prefect travel companions. We know that there is a lot more to learn about each other but not enough time to do so!

My heart fill wrenched writing this and I feel like crying :) I have finally found a girl friend for real....someone who listens, who cares, who enjoys hearing my stories even if they are not of direct interest to her. I will sorely miss you and all that I can say is may your wandering souls bring you back to Malta to live. May we have the opportunity to bring up our children together and may we share all our worries, fears and joys.

Hugs and kisses to you!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Live Green Series

I realised that I have lacked in my commitment to bring forward green thinking ideas and food ofr thought on my blog so I am working on a Live Green Series which will be held every Monday starting 22 March.

Why that day? It World Water Day for one thing and would love to bring awareness on the lacking of water resources especially on our island and well I am working on a nice logo to go with the series :)

I hope you will like my idea and enjoy it just as much as I am enjoying getting all the info together.


I also received this award from Heidi @ Wonder woman wannabe this weekend - thank you so much Heidi! The rules are: list 6 things you are a master in and pass it to 6 other bloggers....

6 things I am a master in (or hope I am quite good at)

  • master of yoga - its my passion and I do some almost everyday
  • master of reading - i loooooove reading and hubs always complains that I read too quickly!
  • master of baking - its another passion of mine making lovely goodies
  • master of organising - this is very important- you must be organised especially with kids
  • master of positive thinking - if you ain't positive the negative will attach to you so always think positive!
  • master of dancing - alas its the least thing I do :( but its makes my adrenaline go high when I dance

6 blogs I decided to pass it on to:

Roxane @ It really is all about me
Amity @ Dreams are my reality
Jessica @ This is worthwhile
Sassy chica
Christi @ living green in a colourful world

Monday, March 8, 2010


In America I learned that homeschooling is quite popular...or at least I find a lot of blogs that homeschool or are in favour of it. The idea of it tickled me a lot I have to say! It's a challenge to homeschool your kids and its interesting but alas I would probably be slain by just a look if I even mentioned it to my husband LOL. Anyhow, I don't even know if this is legal in Malta (as frankly I don't know of a single parent that does that here! but on thinking about it probably we prefer to get rid of the kids for a few hours of peace haha). However, I also reasoned out that this challenge would probably be too much for me to persue in its full length and came to a conclusion which makes my free spirit happy and the logic of reality calm. I can homeschool in Summer & when the kid(s) is at home and you might ask me what shall I do?

To start with we can cook and so learn about the different ingredients and where they come from, measuring, healthy habits vs unhealthy and of course the art of cooking.
We can give him a strip of field and get him to cultivate a few flowers and veggies. That will teach about the seasons and their importance, the best time to cultivate what and when, the beauty of nature and how it keeps us alive and so on.
We will visit all the cultural heritage in Malta & Gozo and learn about our history and how it relates to the european history and the rest of the world. And it also teaches that preserving such is important!
We can take him to plays and concerts and art exhibitions to get him into the arts.
We can dance and sing together like crazy and learn about rythm and how dancing and singing keeps us happy and carefree.

Oh there is so much one can learn from home that isn't given as much importance at school over here or is not taught in a fun way.....I am excited at this prospect and no matter how happy I am in living with my toddler, I am so looking forward to teach him all this when he gets older.

For now, I am happy to do basic stuff like learning abc, 123, drawing and yes helping me cook but this still has to wait another 5-6 months :) We will take the world by storm with the many ideas and I hope he will be as enthusiastic as I am.

Have you ever thought of homeschooling what are your ideas about it?

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Today I don't normally post or actually check the blogs but had a few minutes and I simply couldn't not have a peek at the blogging world. Well maybe it was a sign coz I found this beautiful award given to me by Amity @ dreams are my reality. Thank you so much for this wonderful award and now I have to choose 10 other bloggers to pass it on to!
Although its meant to be 10 I am only choosing 8 bloggers which I feel deserving of the award and without further ado...
  1. Alicia @ It aint easy being cheesy
  2. Karie @ The Five Fish
  3. Magaly @ Pagan Culture
  4. Madmoiselle Deva @ Always Carried Away
  5. Mrs M @ I've changed my name to mommy
  6. Michel @ Pumpkins & Toadstools
  7. Heidi @ Wonderwoman wannabe
  8. Marie @ All access pass to Jack

Friday, March 5, 2010

money money money oh so funny...

In trying to make ends meet every month with just one pay, I have been seeking more ways to save on our bills which namely and most importantly are food, drink, internet & telephones!

So I have finally got down to do a whole list of every single item I buy from the store and put down the 4 different stores I go to and were I still had the bill put the prices near them and it came out that nowadays the store I use for my monthly shopping has suddenly become more expensive on the few items I could compare with!!! I was left with my mouth open coz just a few months ago the story was different....anyhow next month will be doing my monthly shopping elsewhere and see how that goes. As for internet & telephone I went on the website of my provider and have rechecked my bill and saw 2 discrepancies which I will of course be complaining on and remedy.

Like this I am hoping of saving us approx Eur 30-40 monthly! which yeah I know how I can spend them better than on these nasty bills.

On a different note, the sun is out shining (still- LOL) so when my little pup wakes up from his nap we will go for a nice walk...he really looks sweet sleeping right now...anyway, wish you all a good weekend.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

wordless wednesday

my son..ain't he growing?
He didn't like being left in the middle of the flowers :)

Monday, March 1, 2010


I am a big bookworm and if a book takes my attention I can really read it within 24 hours of my possession. However, since I got Greg reading became a bit limited and this year decided to try and read at least 24 books in a year- that means a minimum of 2 books monthly!

I went on my favorite book site - and selected 24 titles at random from the best books ever and see what happens. So far I read 6 books of these and in the left hand side bar you can see which they are and find also my rating once you click at the title.

Normally I like reading adventure, crime & spiritual books but decided not see what the books I chose are about and will simply discover them as I read.

Do you love reading? Do you have a genre?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Electric Shock

The idea of the Live Green series is to bring more awareness on why we should live environmental friendly as much as possible. All the little things that we do help the world and no small amount is too little if each indivudual gives his share.

Please feel free to join in by entering your blog on the mclinky below!

Last Saturday was Earth Hour, the amount of people, businesses etc taking part in this initiative has been growing ever since its first appearance in Sydney Australia back in 2007. Earth Hour shows our stand to climate change and that we are waiting on our respective governments to finally do something concrete about it by turning off all unneccsary lights for 1 hour every 27th March @ 2030 hrs local time.

Generating electricty is the number one source of CO2 emmissions. We are now releasing this CO2 at an ever-increasing rate (around 28 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere just last year) and the layer of greenhouse gas gets thicker. This in turn makes the Earth warmer and it means that the conditions under which humanity has thrived are rapidly changing.

Burning coal produces far more CO2 than oil or natural gas. Reducing reliance upon coal combustion has to be the cornerstone of any credible global climate change prevention plan. If forests are used for fuel generation and not replaced, global climate change will be accelerated.

There are a multitude of technologies already available which can help us achieve this. However, technologies form just one part of the jigsaw. We need a revolution in the supply of energy to achieve this. We need to make a drastic switch from the current reliance on fossil fuel energy to a super-efficient system with new low- and zero-carbon technologies .

Us as consumers can do a lot to reduce the offset of the carbon footprint. Here are some food for thought which you can use:

  1. Buy energy efficient appliances
  2. Replace all bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) or even cutting-edge light emitting diodes (LEDs).
  3. Turn off any unused lights (don't let Tv's, computers etc on stand by they use a lot of electricty)
  4. If possible install alternative energy solutions like solar panels to your house
  5. Save water as saving water, saves electricity!

Now its your turn--- will you help to save electricity which not only saves our planet but at the end of the day saves you money as well!

MckLinky Blog Hop

Saturday, March 27, 2010

random thoughts saturrday

There are so many posts I wanted to do and not quite enough time! Sometimes even though i keep notes what i had in my thoughts vanish and I can't convey the feeling I originally felt..... so no posts for now just a few random thoughts...

Greg got his 3 tooth out within a week from his first - he now got 2 upper teeth and one lower tooth.
Trying to read way to many books at the same time got 4 books going right now and when I start reading I normaly fall down to sleep within minutes!
Finished my spring cleaning and doing lots of I did Lemon & blueberries cake, figolli & jam crostata
I need to start my yoga class....although I do yoga at home, being in a class with no distractions is completely different!
Seriously thinking of opening an e shop, but am finding it a hassle trying to find what needs to be done to get there!
....and to finish the weather is nice and sunny so we will be going out for a walk and pic nic this weekend!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Beautiful with sunshine

I have been awarded again...and once more I thank you it is more than I was expecting! However Magaly of Pagan Culture has her own mind and did a combo of these 2 awards. The rules are as follows:

Write 1 lucky fact about yourself and 3 things you do when you need to brighten up your days and pass on to 13 readers.

1 lucky fact about me: I could stop working to care for my son
3 things to brighten my day: dance latin music, sing Italian songs or read
Now the nominees - I too have my own mind so am only choosing 3...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Ready to pay 500% more for water?

Today, I am starting the Live Green Series. The idea is to bring more awareness on why we should live environmental friendly as much as possible. All the little things that we do help the world and no small amount is too little if each indivudual gives his share.

The hereunder article in occassion of World Water Day which happens to be today, was taken from Vida Magazine as it showed wonderfully the problem we are facing with regards to water here in Malta. However, the shortage of water is present all over the world and its important for everyone to understand how critical the problem can be.

Please feel free to join in by entering your blog on the mclinky below!
We use thousands of litres of water everyday without realising that Malta has the lowest volume of water from natural resources in the world. With little rainfall, a history of irresponsible water consumption and a densely populated territory, no other country in the world has so many people with so little water. Even countries with much drier climates have more water resources than Malta.

When we drive through the countryside in summer and see farmers' fields flourishing with all kinds of crops we may be fooled into thinking that the water shortage problem is being overrated. You might ask - how can we have no water if our streets are flooded whenever it rains?

Hydrologist Marco Cremona explains that these misconceptions are hiding a very big problem- in less than 15 years time Malta's underground natural water sources will be completely depleted. When this happens, all tap water we use in our homes and businesses will have to be supplied from revese osmosis (RO)plants, which require huge electricity consumption. Consequently, the cost of producing water will be more expensive, possibly pushing up water tariffs four or five times higher than they are now.

The Water Services Corporation which provides tap water in our homes, gets over half of its supplies from RO plants (57%) and another 12 billion litres of water a year from the aquifiers (water table).

An additional 20 billion litres are annually pumped from aquifiers by the private sector, including water suppliers, farmers, the construction, manufacturing and hotel industries, water bottling companies and other businesses. These pay nothing to extract water from the aquifiers through boreholes, leading to rampant abuse. While the country's aquifiers can only support an annual extraction of up to 23 billion litres of water, currently over 33 billion litres are being pumped every year.

As more water is pumped from the aquifier by the private sector, the quantities that the Corporation can extract will have to be reduced, and replenished by the more expensive RO plants. This happens because when too much water is extracted from an aquifier, its salinity levels increase, rendering it unfit for drinking. If over- extraction continues, eventually all the aquifiers will be ruined.

When Malta's underground sources are unuasable (in 15 years time if the current trend continues) the country will be solely dependent on RO water. This is a big risk- what happens if all the country's RO plants suddenly stop functioning due to a power cut, natural disaster or if the sea is contanimated with an oil spill? In this scenario, Malta will run our of water in two days.

How can we help conserve water?

  1. Collect rainwater from your roof in a well or tank to use for gardening, cleaning floors, cars and flushing toilets.
  2. Buy water saving gadgets for your home
  3. Reduce toilet flushing wastage by using water displacement device (a plastic container filled with water and put in the flushing)
  4. Do not leave the tap running while brushing your teeth or having a shower
  5. Fix leaks- dripping taps waste almost 500 litres of water a month
  6. Choose water saving appliances and preferably use washing machines or dishwashers when they have a full load only.

MckLinky Blog Hop

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It finally arrived!

Gregory's first tooth finally made an appearance and you can't know the joy I felt....I had nearly given up on these teeth to start showing and just now while giving him some yogurt I felt a tingling and when I checked sure enough there was one sweet tooth.

Although generally they say its the bottom ones that come out first Greg's is the top middle on that came out :)

YAY - what a sigh of relief!

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Prophet

I've just finished reading The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran . It's a wonderful book to read and a great way to see how we live our lives or should live them!

Here are some extracts from the book which I loved most:

Love gives naught but itself and it takes naught but from itself. Love possess not nor would it be possessed for love is sufficient unto love.

In marriage love one another but make not a bond of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

Your children are not your children. They come through you but not from you and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.

It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

Would that you could live on the fragnance of the earth and like an air plant be sustained by the light. But since you must kill to eat and rob the newly born of its mother's milk to qunch your thirst let it be an act of worship.

Work is love made visible.

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.

Your clothes conceal much of your beauty yet they hide not the unbeautiful.

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.

You delight in laying down laws. Yet you delight more in breaking them.

You shall be free indeed when your days are not without a care nor your nights without a want and a grief

The soul unfolds itself like a lotus of countless petals.

Your friend is your needs answered.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

friends are special so important they make the world go round..

It's going to be hard saying good bye in a weeks' time. Something I'd be happy to skip. You have made this past year better for us for many reasons which I am sure you know. We discovered that in the end we are actual friends and not just cousins living far away from each other sending emails now and then. We know that given the opportunity we'd be prefect travel companions. We know that there is a lot more to learn about each other but not enough time to do so!

My heart fill wrenched writing this and I feel like crying :) I have finally found a girl friend for real....someone who listens, who cares, who enjoys hearing my stories even if they are not of direct interest to her. I will sorely miss you and all that I can say is may your wandering souls bring you back to Malta to live. May we have the opportunity to bring up our children together and may we share all our worries, fears and joys.

Hugs and kisses to you!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Live Green Series

I realised that I have lacked in my commitment to bring forward green thinking ideas and food ofr thought on my blog so I am working on a Live Green Series which will be held every Monday starting 22 March.

Why that day? It World Water Day for one thing and would love to bring awareness on the lacking of water resources especially on our island and well I am working on a nice logo to go with the series :)

I hope you will like my idea and enjoy it just as much as I am enjoying getting all the info together.


I also received this award from Heidi @ Wonder woman wannabe this weekend - thank you so much Heidi! The rules are: list 6 things you are a master in and pass it to 6 other bloggers....

6 things I am a master in (or hope I am quite good at)

  • master of yoga - its my passion and I do some almost everyday
  • master of reading - i loooooove reading and hubs always complains that I read too quickly!
  • master of baking - its another passion of mine making lovely goodies
  • master of organising - this is very important- you must be organised especially with kids
  • master of positive thinking - if you ain't positive the negative will attach to you so always think positive!
  • master of dancing - alas its the least thing I do :( but its makes my adrenaline go high when I dance

6 blogs I decided to pass it on to:

Roxane @ It really is all about me
Amity @ Dreams are my reality
Jessica @ This is worthwhile
Sassy chica
Christi @ living green in a colourful world

Monday, March 8, 2010


In America I learned that homeschooling is quite popular...or at least I find a lot of blogs that homeschool or are in favour of it. The idea of it tickled me a lot I have to say! It's a challenge to homeschool your kids and its interesting but alas I would probably be slain by just a look if I even mentioned it to my husband LOL. Anyhow, I don't even know if this is legal in Malta (as frankly I don't know of a single parent that does that here! but on thinking about it probably we prefer to get rid of the kids for a few hours of peace haha). However, I also reasoned out that this challenge would probably be too much for me to persue in its full length and came to a conclusion which makes my free spirit happy and the logic of reality calm. I can homeschool in Summer & when the kid(s) is at home and you might ask me what shall I do?

To start with we can cook and so learn about the different ingredients and where they come from, measuring, healthy habits vs unhealthy and of course the art of cooking.
We can give him a strip of field and get him to cultivate a few flowers and veggies. That will teach about the seasons and their importance, the best time to cultivate what and when, the beauty of nature and how it keeps us alive and so on.
We will visit all the cultural heritage in Malta & Gozo and learn about our history and how it relates to the european history and the rest of the world. And it also teaches that preserving such is important!
We can take him to plays and concerts and art exhibitions to get him into the arts.
We can dance and sing together like crazy and learn about rythm and how dancing and singing keeps us happy and carefree.

Oh there is so much one can learn from home that isn't given as much importance at school over here or is not taught in a fun way.....I am excited at this prospect and no matter how happy I am in living with my toddler, I am so looking forward to teach him all this when he gets older.

For now, I am happy to do basic stuff like learning abc, 123, drawing and yes helping me cook but this still has to wait another 5-6 months :) We will take the world by storm with the many ideas and I hope he will be as enthusiastic as I am.

Have you ever thought of homeschooling what are your ideas about it?

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Today I don't normally post or actually check the blogs but had a few minutes and I simply couldn't not have a peek at the blogging world. Well maybe it was a sign coz I found this beautiful award given to me by Amity @ dreams are my reality. Thank you so much for this wonderful award and now I have to choose 10 other bloggers to pass it on to!
Although its meant to be 10 I am only choosing 8 bloggers which I feel deserving of the award and without further ado...
  1. Alicia @ It aint easy being cheesy
  2. Karie @ The Five Fish
  3. Magaly @ Pagan Culture
  4. Madmoiselle Deva @ Always Carried Away
  5. Mrs M @ I've changed my name to mommy
  6. Michel @ Pumpkins & Toadstools
  7. Heidi @ Wonderwoman wannabe
  8. Marie @ All access pass to Jack

Friday, March 5, 2010

money money money oh so funny...

In trying to make ends meet every month with just one pay, I have been seeking more ways to save on our bills which namely and most importantly are food, drink, internet & telephones!

So I have finally got down to do a whole list of every single item I buy from the store and put down the 4 different stores I go to and were I still had the bill put the prices near them and it came out that nowadays the store I use for my monthly shopping has suddenly become more expensive on the few items I could compare with!!! I was left with my mouth open coz just a few months ago the story was different....anyhow next month will be doing my monthly shopping elsewhere and see how that goes. As for internet & telephone I went on the website of my provider and have rechecked my bill and saw 2 discrepancies which I will of course be complaining on and remedy.

Like this I am hoping of saving us approx Eur 30-40 monthly! which yeah I know how I can spend them better than on these nasty bills.

On a different note, the sun is out shining (still- LOL) so when my little pup wakes up from his nap we will go for a nice walk...he really looks sweet sleeping right now...anyway, wish you all a good weekend.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

wordless wednesday

my son..ain't he growing?
He didn't like being left in the middle of the flowers :)

Monday, March 1, 2010


I am a big bookworm and if a book takes my attention I can really read it within 24 hours of my possession. However, since I got Greg reading became a bit limited and this year decided to try and read at least 24 books in a year- that means a minimum of 2 books monthly!

I went on my favorite book site - and selected 24 titles at random from the best books ever and see what happens. So far I read 6 books of these and in the left hand side bar you can see which they are and find also my rating once you click at the title.

Normally I like reading adventure, crime & spiritual books but decided not see what the books I chose are about and will simply discover them as I read.

Do you love reading? Do you have a genre?